NDEBUMOG Affiliates are specifically created for marginalized groups, particularly, women. Affiliates may have distinct programmes and activities, although (affiliates) major activities are mostly budget tracking, agricultural livelihoods, human rights protection, economic justice and opportunities, democratic (accountability) monitoring and other non-partisan programs that may be approved by NDEBUMOG’s headquarters.


The concept of Shadow Budget Groups (SBGs), initiated by Niger Delta Budget Group (NDEBUMOG) envisages to create sustainable impacts, whereby, more Nigerians, especially; more women, empowered to participate in decision making processes, contributes to nation building as active citizens, and benefits from better living standards through improved service delivery, which (NDEBUMOG) SGBs, shall primarily pursue through budget monitoring, public expenditure tracking and impacts mapping from communities across Nigeria. [ Continue Reading ]


NDEBUMOG is a frontline civil society organization, working in budget advocacy, budget tracking, transparency, accountability, and public procurement monitoring. The organization also engages in anti-corruption campaigns in the Niger Delta and beyond.  NDEBUMOG is among frontline civil society organizations, working in budget advocacy, budget tracking, transparency, accountability, and public procurement monitoring. The organization also engages in anti-corruption campaigns within the Niger Delta and beyond.

As at the year 2020, NDEBUMOG was the only civil society organization in the Niger Delta that has formally been engaged by the Federal Government to conduct procurement audit(s) in some Federal Government’s agencies. NDEBUMOG also conducted monitoring and evaluation assignments on (special) projects and programmes of the government, including, projects’ audits, impact assessments, situational analysis, gender sensitivity of envelopes, among others. These were on projects with crosscutting funding- baskets, particularly, on the tracking of Paris Club Debt Relief Gains to Nigeria. Proficiency and knowledge garnered by NDEBUMOG through these engagement(s) compels our advocacy for a total overhaul of Nigeria’s fiscal architecture and salvation for Nigeria’s public finance expenditure frameworks. Our affiliates shall continue to leverage on this experience to pursue socioeconomic rights and livelihoods for poverty reduction, particularly, for (marginalized) women.

See the table below for Agricultural Value Chain, which NDEBUMOG affiliates are interested, as part of the pursuits of economic opportunities for women:

Agricultural Value-Chain That Are of Interest To NDEBUMOG Affiliates:
–          Honey Value chain
–          Wheat Value chain
–          Bush Mango Value chain
–          Rubber Value chain
–          Cocoa Value chain
–          Sognum/Millet Value chain
–          Nutrition Value chain
–          Sweet Potato Value chain
–          Irish Potato Value chain
–          Rice Value chain
–          Soya Beans Value chain
–          Ginger Value chain
–          Yam Value chain
–          Shea Butter Value chain
–          Cowpea Value chain
–          Cassava Value chain
–          Fisheries and Aquaculture Value chain
–          Cotton Value chain
–          Gum Arabic Value chain
–          Sugarcane Value chain
–          Oil Palm Value chain
–          Cashew Value chain
–          Kenaf (Jute Bags) Value chain
–          Horticulture (fruits) Value chain
–          Maize Value chain
–          Local Poultry Value chain
–          Wheat, Millets and Bartley Value chain
–          Etc



Our affiliates are engaged in budget tracking activities, bonding economic opportunities and community mobilizations through town hall meetings, focus group discussions, gender justice through budget advocacies, among others.
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